- How to sucessfully work with your IEP to develop your childs specific goals and meet their specific educational needs
- How to use your child’s evaluations, progress monitoring data, etc to identify your childs specific needs, develop meaningful goals and impact out comes.
- The role of addtional tools like a Functional Behavioral Assesment, a Behavior Intervention Plan and Independent Educational Evaluations to inform the process
- How to effectiviely communicate your input and concerns with your IEP team
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2nd session:
Monday, June 18, 2018 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM EDT Add to CalendarCincinnati Therapy Connections conducts unbiased Independent Educational Evaluations (IEE) for many students in many districts! We provide in your home or child’s educational setting, speech and occupational therapy. SLP and OT services are independently created to your child’s needs and we work with youm as parent on how to help your child! Cincinnati Therapy Connections is a Jon Peterson and Autism Scholarship Provider! For more information email: [email protected]