Looking for the right fit for your child’s speech, fine motor, sensory, or educational learning needs? Elite Kids Therapy (EKT) provides experienced 1-1 speech therapy, occupational therapy and intervention services (teaching) to homeschool families on the Jon Peterson (JP) Scholarship and Autism Scholarships. We partner with you and your child to create a supportive learning environment.
Not sure what the Jon Peterson Scholarship or Autism scholarships are? It’s for children who have an IEP but do not attend the public school. If you think your child struggles with speech, occupational therapy we can help walk with you on the journey. We’re here to see if your child needs help and if so, supporting your child with the help they need.
*Now enrolling for the 2023-2024 school year! Contact us today to learn more: 513-444-0770 [email protected]