Tag Archives: kids Ipad

Managing Screen Time Fatigue—When Screens Are Seemingly the Only Way to Connect

screen time, too much, children, parent advice, speech therapy, occupational therapy, cincinnati, dayton, in home therapy, child therapy

Read the full article by Francine Pierson Here: https://leader.pubs.asha.org/do/10.1044/2020-0515-screen-time-fatigue/full/?utm_source=asha&utm_medium=enewsletter&utm_term=picks&utm_content=061620&utm_campaign=ashanow& The COVID-19 pandemic forced increased use of screens into nearly every aspect of our collective lives, whether your pre-pandemic existence consisted of attending preschool or running a business. We rely on screens for everything from classes and work meetings to religious services, hobbies, and leisure activities […]