Have you seen our Mason office?! It’s a great place to bring your child for speech and or occupational therapy. Here’s a few pictures of our vibrant Cincinnati Therapy Connections office!

Isn’t our office vibrant and fun?!
Cincinnati Therapy Connections can help your child be engaged and increase their speech and fine motor skills at our Mason location! We have ideas and tips to help you with educating your child and helping them navigate everyday life challenges. Contact us for more information about receiving quality speech and occupational therapy. Our experienced SLP and OT’s provide therapy in your home, child’s educational environment or our Mason office. As an Autism and Jon Peterson scholarship provider, these services are free for you!
Reach out and we can help!
Ph: 513-444-0770
Email: [email protected]
p.s. Sarah Sprague – Artist and Baker painted our amazing space. Check her out on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sarahspragueartistandbaker/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARDoqQqm_Lyj5OQuvkUDSfGonH_Y0W-OKEFuZzpl1IiqcQPQXHgoWhZ7YtqtFxEGld7pk9EQBtGIH-R0&fref=mentions&__xts__[0]=68.ARBwXqKGJV6zxg6hfBxIFh1Dk57blktd8Ucvq4DENIBoN0X1jybPp8akvle_AiqUcQRWzFck8rSA-zUq72RHRPmBq77TqO2C9AA2FuvFr2zKrZ7jgZcbfGSk6vM3nN2uTi1mgDI7aBx1Bvq24j41Wql9KFw2VGv9iLN5ot43L7mS-KrkEgVQ6t8K6IZ5XdqoZnQeSNM6r_W7EReSW7PxHhiJdus_iWat13KaTwiTgLDNN7NV_y2c3OfqIA28ekutgtlcb1ptT8pglFO7EjospYyPoETIATcfcTPqUTDibK8UMbCT-2gb61aOn9EBOWBeB7ZNudDGA6p4CWWjnq2ThPEdqVO-3Oi-gBuvKVwcjAFUlpCCN5bCHNvrzoktwA3PeEzG5EHbcx8pdaqsKMGIW-lFvhGYvsUPPUh_r2JbHFxIsLS0MW7tDDcrbFQPcpyACN_nEj52cuNPHGlkjKLrpGPncjQBGECvrCVgJHEpEcH5-2l4DxzOtw