Cincinnati Zoo presents a Sensory-Friendly SANTA EXPERIENCE 2024 DATES to see Santa:December 5-6 from 1pm – 3pmDecember 8 from 1pm – 3pmDecember 12-15 from 1pm – 3pmDecember 19-22 from 1pm – 3pm Please join us for a sensory-friendly Santa meet & greet, where the following accommodations will be made for visitors with sensory sensitivities and/or developmental disabilities […]
Tag Archives: Santa
Looking for a sensory Santa experience? Cincinnati Children’s Memorial Hospital is sending out Holiday Home Packs to those who register! Regster here:
The Cincinnati Zoo, Macy’s and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital are partnering with Santa Claus to provide a sensory-friendly meet and greet for our visitors with sensory sensitivities and/or developmental disabilities. These sensory friendly events will take place in December on the 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th, and 12th from 1:30pm to 3pm. The following […]
Breakfast with Santa in Warren County When: Saturday, December 1, 2018 When: 10:00 to 11:30am Where: Warren C. Young Center Gymnasium, 801 Drake Road. Lebanon, OH 45036 FREE BUT RESERVATIONS REQUIRED BY NOVEMBER 28, 2018 RSVP: [email protected] or call 513-228-6487 Cincinnati Therapy Connections
Sensory Santa presented by Autistic Endeavors Inc. is Dec 10th, 2017 from 11am to 1pm at Knights of Columbus Hall (3144 Blue Rock Road, Cincinnati, OH 45239). RSVP by calling 513-251-6106, or email Make sure to leave your name, child’s name and your phone number. :o) Cincinnati Therapy Connections provides in home speech therapy […]