The University of Cincinnati Center of Excellence in Developmental Disabilities have released a Guide to Interacting with Police for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities. Here are a few of the resources from their guide that can help children and adults with developmental disabilities better understand what to do when interacting with the police. A link to […]
Tag Archives: university of cincinnati
The University of Cincinnati in partnership with The Wyoming Center for Disabilities and The Nisonger Center at The Ohio State University have worked together on Project SCOPE to provide a biweekly training session focusing on targeting, monitoring, and supporting children effected by the opioid epidemic. Project SCOPE: Supporting Children of the OPioid Epidemic, is a […]
The University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities in partnership with: is pleased to present a virtual screening of the film Intelligent Lives You can view the trailer for this film here: The film will be followed by a brief panel discussion featuring parents, self-advocates, transition support professionals, educators, and employers When: […]